When this Flipkart seller’s business hit a low during the COVID-19 lockdown, he turned to Flipkart for ideas. Using the resources he already had, some creativity, and with full support from Flipkart, Manoj Kumar got back to running his business and started to feel positive again. Read his story.
In this story: When consumer demand and restrictions during the lockdown impacted Manoj Kumar’s business, he turned to Flipkart for ideas.
My name is Manoj Kumar and I am a #Sellfmade Flipkart seller. I sell handloom home furnishing products online, such as bedsheets, cushion covers and doormats.
During the COVID-19 lockdown, my business took a hit because consumer demand fell for my products, and I wasn’t able to generate much revenue. I was determined to find a way to get the business up and running again. I turned to Flipkart for guidance.
As per the consumer demand, Flipkart suggested I explore adding essential items to my list of products. Taking stock of the resources I had, I acquired face masks and listed them on Flipkart. Even after the lockdown restrictions were lifted, I continue to sell these masks in addition to my handloom products.
Since then, my business started to pick up and I’m now feeling positive.
At work, we are taking precautionary measures and following all the safety guidelines. We are working with 30% of the original employee strength. That’s three of us in all. They too are following the safety guidelines, including the safety precautions that Flipkart has advised. We sanitize our workspace daily to ensure that there are no health risks. My locality was not largely affected by the COVID 19 crisis, but I insisted on following government directives.
I feel overwhelmed and very happy to know that I was able to provide customers with a product that can contribute to the fight against COVID-19. Flipkart has supported me in every phase of my business’ transition during this period.
In this situation, where cases are growing I would like to urge my customers to stay indoors and take care of yourself. Right now, our focus is on providing safe and best products to our customers. So shop online for your essentials and stay safe.
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