‘I have what it takes’ – In Delhi, a differently abled Wishmaster is inspiring customers & colleagues

Talented, confident and determined to succeed, this differently abled Wishmaster inspires both colleagues and customers alike. Recently, a customer even took to social media to talk about Himanshu's commitment and sincerity. Here's his incredible story.


For Himanshu Gupta, working at Flipkart as a Wishmaster was an opportunity like no other. Having completed his education till 10th standard, he was on the lookout for a job to support himself. And when his friend, who works at Flipkart’s Laxmi Nagar Hub in New Delhi, told him that Flipkart was hiring through its eDab (eKartians with Different Abilities) charter for the role of a Wishmaster, he jumped at the chance.

Today, Himanshu delivers to Flipkart customers in and around New Delhi, leaving an impression on many who have had the pleasure of receiving a delivery from him.

“My experience at Flipkart has been amazing. I feel welcome here and everybody knows what I’m capable of,” he says.

Confident, smartly dressed, mask on, and armed with his bag of Flipkart products, Himanshu makes his deliveries with a partner who helps drive him to customers’ doorsteps.

His co-workers, he says, are supportive. Many are fluent in sign language and help interpret his words and bridge any communication gaps he might face. They are even prepared to support him any time he finds himself in a difficult situation with a delivery.

“Sometimes, when I reach the delivery address and the customer isn’t at home to collect the delivery, or I find it challenging to reach a particular address, I give my colleagues a missed call or send them a text message, and they help me solve the issue,” explains Himanshu.

His family too roots for him every step of the way. They love to see him experience an independent life surrounded by friends and colleagues, and earn a living with dignity.

“My family is very happy that I am able to work and make a living. Now I’m also able to support them financially,” he adds.

But what Himanshu loves most about the job is how much his life has changed with respect to social interactions. When Himanshu joined Flipkart, he wondered how he would fit in with his colleagues at the hub and communicate with his customers. But, to his pleasant surprise, he found the transition seamless.

Introduced with a focus on empathy and inclusion in 2017, Flipkart’s eKartians with Different Abilities (eDAB) program ensures equal opportunity for all, and includes, enables and empowers differently abled employees in the workforce. Today, over a thousand persons with disabilities are employed in various roles across the Flipkart supply chain.

For Himanshu, he says the eDAB program helps him feel respected as a Wishmaster.

“When I deliver products to customers, I carry with me a card that informs them that I am differently abled. Customers can also rate my delivery. And so far I’ve only received positive feedback!” he exclaims.

On one such delivery on March 19, 2021, Himanshu not only delivered happiness, he also inspired the customer to take to social media to applaud his work, and the eDAB initiative.


During the delivery, Himanshu communicated with Flipkart customer Pratyush Singh using his flashcard as is customary. “It was a unique experience for me. He was able to perform his duties without fault and I really appreciate his work. He showed me how differently abled people are empowered with initiatives like this. I really felt like he deserved positive feedback,” says Pratyush.


“My customers’ feedback helps me improve at what I do and keeps me motivated. And this one has been my favorite so far,” adds Himanshu.

Safety is a top priority for Himanshu and his colleagues at the hub. Sanitizing regularly, wearing masks and following strict safety protocols have become the norm for Flipkart Wishmasters nationwide over the past year.

According to Rajan Singh Poswal, his manager at the hub, Himanshu’s resolute approach to work sets a positive example for everyone else on the team too.

“Himanshu values each interaction with a customer as one of extreme importance. For some, the work can become an unvarying routine, but with Himanshu, every delivery is an opportunity to be the best version of himself,” says Rajan.

“I have what it takes to learn and work hard. At Flipkart, I found the opportunity to communicate and showcase that,” adds Himanshu, with unflinching determination.

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