Your age may only be a double digit number but it’s a number that brings a big burden with it. Stifled by societal norms, many of us never achieve our true potential because we’re asked to hold back and “act our age.” It’s time to break free of those shackles. It’s your life, #ChooseYourAge!
Have you ever been told to act your age?
They say age is just a number. More importantly, it’s a very small number. And life is short.
Which makes it even more baffling when people are asked to act their age. Age is, in many ways, a social construct. Sure, you could be in your sixties, but nobody can stop you from getting a six-pack, going on a holiday with your besties from college or quite literally climbing a mountain.
People doing things not ‘appropriate’ for their age makes some uncomfortable. After a certain age, you’re expected to stay in quietly and sit out the rest of your days.
But why stay in when you can go out and conquer the world?
We are often limited by a society that judges people based on age. Taking forward our ethos of being a proud partner of progressive India, Flipkart wants to change the way people think about age.
That’s why we’ll never tell you to “act your age.” We want you to #ChooseYourAge! Age is just a number after all, so you get to decide what that number means to you. You could be five treks old, or three-and-a-half abs old, or two trips to Italy old! It’s your life, so only you get to decide!
Know somebody that defies the age barrier? Tag them and @FlipkartStories on Instagram with the hashtag #ChooseYourAge. We have some exciting things planned, so watch this space!
Have your own inspiring #ChooseYourAge story to tell? Flipkart has partnered with Terribly Tiny Tales. Tell your story here.
Read more about our partnership with a progressive India: How India’s “Penguin Dads” are redefining fatherhood