When he lost his father, Ranjan Kumar abandoned his studies and his dreams of joining the Army to take care of his family. Despite the struggles, Ranjan persevered. Today, with his savings from the Flipkart Kirana partner program, he's able to resume his studies, and is daring to dream once again.
The financial backing and confidence that enabled him to dream again – Flipkart Kirana partner Ranjan Kumar’s #OneInABillion story.Â
My father passed away when I was young and my family’s responsibilities fell on me.
At the time, I had just finished 12th standard and had applied for a Bachelor of Arts degree. My dream was to join the Indian Army. But the situation at home forced me to drop the idea.
My father was a field worker at BSNL. I have four siblings – 3 brothers and a sister. All my brothers work as mechanics.
I have learned a lot during my tenure at Flipkart – from managing my responsibilities, engaging with customers to approaching our seniors. I used to be a very shy person. But I have realized that, over the years, through constant contact with customers and my colleagues too, I have become more vocal. I feel that I express my thoughts better than before.
I have become emotionally intelligent too. Once, I got into an argument with a senior at my workplace. I was oblivious to the other person’s side of the story. But when, upon reflection, I realized where the problem was, I was quick to make amends. This is also a skill I developed through my work.
When I have free time, I usually study or brush up on general knowledge. I also like listening to music. But there are two things that really ignite my interest – travel and photography. I love both! I have a close circle of friends who are passionate about riding to hill stations. We make impromptu plans and just hit the road.
The passion for photography is also something that my friends and I share. We all bought a Canon DSLR camera together, and we love taking a lot of pictures.
Visiting new places and learning about new things intrigues me. This is also one of the reasons I love my job as a Flipkart Kirana Partner. The flexibility allows me to travel and explore. And the best part is, when I am back from my trips, I feel refreshed and all the more energized to do a better job.
During The Big Billion Days, the mood and the energy is so different. I make around 200 deliveries a day as opposed to 70 to 100 orders on normal days. The increased earnings are amazing!
When I lost my father, I had to sacrifice a lot – from my studies to my dream of joining the Army. But today, I am determined to turn my life around. I have enrolled for a long distance Bachelor’s degree in Arts, and I am looking forward to finishing my studies. I am able to do this now because I have the financial backing and confidence that I have built through my job as a Flipkart Kirana Partner. Things are looking much better.
I have a message to all the customers who shop at Flipkart: Make the most of BBD! It’s truly one-of-a-kind and we get to make a good living too.
Also Read: #OneInABillion: For Flipkart Kirana partner Amit Kumar, family is everythingÂ